
Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences)

University of Bordeaux (Engineering and digital sciences department)
IMS-lab, CNRS UMR 5218
351 Cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence, France

Open positions

  • A PostDoc position with a duration of 1 to 2 years is available, see description here.
  • I'm always interested to work with highly qualified and motivated students. Please contact me with CV and Letter of motivation to discuss about possible collaborations.

Past positions

  • A 6 months Internship position (see here for more details).

Bio sketch

  • I received a System's Engineering Diploma degree from the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, in 2008. My final year project, which I prepared during an Erasmus exchange at Grenoble INP, France, in 2008, focused on the development of an interactive software for robust digital controller design, system identification, and controller order reduction (see MIRCOD) based on the theoretical work of Dr. Ioan Doré Landau, who supervised my internship at GIPSA-lab.
  • I joined the University Politehnica of Bucharest as Assistant Professor in 2008 and begun my PhD research one year later in a collaboration with the GIPSA-lab, University of Grenoble, France. My PhD research, which I defended in 2011 in Bucharest and in 2012 in Grenoble, focused on "Robust Design and Tuning of Active Vibration Control Systems" (pdf, 8.9 MB). My work was supervised by Dr. Ioan Doré Landau, Dr. Luc Dugard, and Prof. Dumitru Popescu. For this research, I received the best PhD award from the GdR MACS and the best PhD in Automatic Control by the EEA Club (April 2013) (see nomination in pdf).
  • After a 16 month PostDoc at the Fluminance team of Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, I joined, as Associate Professor, the Automatic Control group of IMS-lab, University of Bordeaux, in 2014.
  • I co-authored, with I. Landau, A. Castellanos, and A. Constantinescu, the book "Adaptive and Robust Active Vibration Control", Springer, 2017 (see list of publications).

Research topics

  • My main research interests are focused in the fields of (i) active noise and vibration control using adaptive regulation techniques and (ii) flat dynamic systems. Practical applications include active noise and vibration control, convertible UAV (combinations of VTOLs and conventional aircraft designs), wind energy systems and predictive maintenance.


  • (2023-) Participant and co-supervisor of 2 PhD thesesin the KiWin project led by Beyound the Sea, which aims at building a kite based solution for maritime transportation. Together with colleagues from the IMS-lab, we will be working on the control, guidance, and supervision of the kite system.
  • (2018-2022) Participant and co-supervisor of a PhD thesis in a research grant in collaboration with the Stellantis group on the modelling and control of powertrains using robust and predictive methods.
  • (2016-2019) Principal investigator for the french research agency (ANR) funded young researchers (JCJC) project MICA which deals with the problem of fault detection and isolation and fault tolerant control for convertible UAVs (please visit our website for more information).

PhD supervision

  1. Nonlinear control and supervision of a tethered kite for vessel propelling
    Monika Pasquali, University of Bordeaux, France, in progress.
  2. Modelling and robust control of a tethered kite for vessel propelling
    Enso Ndreko, University of Bordeaux, France, in progress.
  3. Identification and decision by coupling deep learning methods and knowledge models for predictive maintenance
    Mathias Lecroart, University of Bordeaux, France, in progress.
  4. Development of optimal anticipative control laws for powertrain
    Evgeny Shulga, University of Bordeaux, France, defended on the 9th of September 2022.
  5. Development of methods for the characterization of flat integer or fractional systems: application to path planning and fault detection of thermal systems
    Rim Rammal, University of Bordeaux, France, defended on the 15th of January 2021 (tel).
  6. Active noise control in the presence of uncertain and time-varying disturbances
    Raúl Melendez Marquez, University of Grenoble, France, defended on the 23rd of May 2019 (tel).
  7. Development of the CRONE control with robust anticipative effect
    Asma Achnib, University of Bordeaux, France, defended on the 25th of April 2019 (tel).

Other scientific activities

  • Member of the National Organizing Committee of the 12th Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Application, Bordeaux, France, 9-12 July 2024.
  • Member of the International Technical Committee of the 12th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, London, UK, 11-13 November 2024.
  • Member of the IFAC's Technical Committee on Adaptive and Learning Systems.
  • Member of the IEEE CSS's Technical Committee on System Identification and Adaptive Control (TCSIAC).
  • Associate editor (Conference Editorial Board member) of IEEE Control Systems Society, which organises the Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) and the American Control Conference (ACC).
  • Associate editor (Conference Editorial Board member) of European Control Association (EUCA), which organises the annual European Control Conference (ECC).
  • Other conference associate editor activities: ALCOS 2022.
  • Robert-Houdin award at the French seminar on Experimental Vibratory Analysis (18-20 November 2014, Blois, France) for the paper: Landau I.D., Airimițoaie T.-B., Castellanos-Silva A., Alma M., Adaptive active vibration isolation - A control perspective (link 1 and link 2).
  • Co-organiser of a Benchmark on Adaptive Regulation and an invited session at ECC'13.